by Virginia

In TVia No. 52 I printed the story of two important turning points in my life under the title, "My Goal Achieved". Perhaps I should have capitalized and underlined "MY", because the events were pecularly my experiences and were not printed with any sort of implications of "go thou and do likewise".

I have received a number of comments concerning this article some being very complimentary of me for my forthrightness and honesty but more being critical of the wisdom of writing the events up. I didn't quite know what to make of this until I got one letter from a very old friend, parts of which I reprint here so you will enderstand why I am writing this little epilogue.

"Most of your readers think of you as something special and even idealize you. They think that you are everything good about TVism and are the ultimate in FPism and pure in all ways. What your article has done is to plant a great deal of doubt in their minds as to just what you are. In your recent articles you have stated that you have found this new freedom in having your own home, letting your own hair grow and getting it styled and living as Virginia most of the time. 'When all this is added to your story of running around in the nude, kissing a man, having him hold you and the other things, no matter what the occasion, I think that a lot of people think you have gone off the deep end. Their reaction is one of fear, disgust and, perhaps even more important, envy. I would think that the GGs who read it would all be set back at least two ratings because you have given them